Veteran's Licence Plate
Apply for your Veteran Plate Today
Veteran plates are available to any person who has honourably:
- Served in the Canadian Armed Forces, including Reserve Forces, the forces of the Commonwealth or its wartime allies.
- Served in the Merchant Navy or Ferry Command during wartime.
- Currently serving members of the Canadian Forces including Reserve Forces.
- Served in NATO operations or as a member of United Nations peacekeeping forces as a member of the Canadian police service.
- Currently serving or retired members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
- Served in the Vietnam War in the forces of the United States or allies during this war and was a Canadian citizen at the time of such service.

How to Order
Send your completed application form, with a $5.00 cheque or money order payable to the Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Provincial Command, to cover administrative costs, plus photocopied service information, and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
The Royal Canadian Legion
Ontario Provincial Command
89 Industrial Parkway North
Aurora, Ontario L4G 4C4
Ontario Command may need up to three weeks to verify the information and return an approved form.