Honour Roll
Our Honour Roll
Our Honour Roll is dedicated to the memory of all comrades who are no longer with us. All Canadians owe a debt of gratitude to those who chose to serve Canada and the world through military service. This Honour Roll is only one way in which we extend our gratitude. Their experiences, sacrifices, and their memories have a significant place in our history.
To remember is to give comfort and respect to our Veterans who returned from war bearing wounds, just the same visible and invisible.
To remember is to hold high the example set by our forbearers, and to strive ever to be worthy of them.
To remember is a task to daunt the bravest.
The Royal Canadian Legion Tara
Branch 383 - Honour Roll
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Arran Township
Surname | Given Name | Rank | Date of Death | Cemetery | Additional Info | CVWM | CWGC |
Couper | John | Private | May 23, 1916 | Tara Hillcrest Cemetery | Son of William & Jessie Ross Couper of Tara | Link | Link |
Monkman | Norman | Private | June 8, 1916 | Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | Link | Link | |
Porter | Clarence | Private | September 15, 1916 | Vimy Memorial, France | Link | Link | |
Geddes | John | Flight Lieutenant | November 3, 1917 | Dozinghem Military Cemetery, Belguim | Son of Alex & Elizabeth Geddes of Port Elgin | Link | Link |
Hodgson | Harry | August 15, 1917 | |||||
Wilson | Clarence | Gunner | November 2, 1918 | Abbeville Communal Cemetery, Somme, France | Son of George & Sara Wilson of Allenford | Link | Link |
Davis | Melville | Lieutenant | May 29, 1918 | Blackpool (Layton) Cemetery Lancashire, UK | Son of William Davis of Tara. Awarded the Military Cross. | Link | Link |
Proud | Melville | Private | August 7, 1918 | Boves West Communal Cemetery, Somme, France | Son of William & Minnie Proud of Tara | Link | Link |
Plant | Reuben | Private | November 17, 1918 | Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | Son of Mr & Mrs Joseph Plant of Southampton | Link | Link |
Speers | Percy | Private | September 2, 1918 | Vimy Memorial, France | Link | Link | |
Woods | John | July 11, 1918 | |||||
Surname | Given Name | Rank | Date of Death | Cemetery | Additional Info | CVWM | CWGC |
Harris | Edward | August 18, 1916 | |||||
Porter | Edwin | April 17, 1917 | |||||
Wain | George | Gunner | November 21, 1917 | Loos British Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | Son of Alexander & Rachel Wain of Tara | Link | Link |
Potts | George | Private | November 25, 1917 | Bruay Communal Cemetery, France | Son of James & Mary Jane Potts | Link | Link |
Beaton | Percy | Private | March 16, 1918 | Houchin British Cemetry, Pas de Calais, France | Son of Mr & Mrs John Beaton of Tara | Link | Link |
Allen | Fred | Private | August 8, 1918 | Hillside Cemetery, Somme France | Link | Link | |
Gransden | Howard | Lance Corporal | August 29, 1918 | Faubourg D’Amiens Cemetery, Arras France | Link | Link | |
Henderson | David | Private | September 27, 1918 | Bucouoy Road Cemetery, Pas de Calais France | Son of George & Margaret Henderson of Tara | Link | Link |
Derby Township
Surname | Given Name | Rank | Date of Death | Cemetery | Additional Info | CVWM | CWGC |
Minion | Harvey | Private | November 14, 1917 | Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium | Son of J.W. & Mary Minion of Owen Sound | Link | Link |
Mundle | Robert | Private | August 31, 1918 | Vis-en-Artois British Cemetery, Pas de Calais France | Son of Mr & Mrs Robert Mundle of Derby | Link | Link |
Mundle | William | Private | August 29, 1918 | Orange Hill Cemetery Pas de Calais France | Son of Mr & Mrs Robert Mundle of Derby | Link | Link |
Surname | Given Name | Rank | Date of Death | Cemetery | Additional Info | CVWM | CWGC |
Askin | Robert | Private | July 17, 1916 | Railway Dugout Burial Ground, Belguim | Son of Eleanor Askin, of Consul, Saskatchewan, & Thomas Askin | Link | Link |
Dornan | William | Private | March 16, 1917 | Roclincourt Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais France | Son of Charles & Agnes Dornan, of Grand Coulee, Saskatchewan | Link | Link |
Arran Township
Surname | Given Name | Rank | Date of Death | Cemetery | Additional Info | CVWM | CWGC |
Reed | Norman | Warrant Officer Class II | September 23, 1943 | Rheinberg War Cemetery, Germany | Son of Charles Arthur & Jennie Viola Reed of Chesley | Link | Link |
Hills | Keith | Flying Officer | May 19, 1944 | Brookwood Military Cemetery, Surrey, UK | Son of John C. Hills & Mary Ruth Hills of Tara | Link | Link |
Harron | Alvin | Private | July 20, 1943 | Agira Canadian War Cemertery, Italy | Son of Stanley & Harriet Harron of Arran Township | Link | Link |
Rollings | Arnold | Flying Officer | May 1, 1943 | Dalfsen General Cemetery, Netherlands | Son of George & Doreen Rollings of Allenford | Link | Link |
Nelson | Keith | Trooper | August 6, 1945 | Brookwook Military Cemetery, Surrey, UK | Son of Howard &Ida May Nelson of Allenford | Link | Link |
Robertson | Stewart | Private | July 25, 1943 | Agira Canadian War Cemertery, Italy | Son of John & Lewella Robertson of Southampton | Link | Link |
Robertson | Harry | Sergeant | April 30, 1942 | Poznan Old Garrison Cemetery, Poland | Son of Mr & Mrs George Roberson of Tara | Link | Link |
Surname | Given Name | Rank | Date of Death | Cemetery | Additional Info | CVWM | CWGC |
Crawford | Orville | Flight Sergeant | May 30, 1942 | Viroflay New Communal Ceretery, Yvelines, France | Married to Mrs Orville E. Crawford | Link | Link |
Derby Township
Surname | Given Name | Rank | Date of Death | Cemetery | Additional Info | CVWM | CWGC |
Long | Clarence | Flying Officer | February 19, 1943 | Westdongeradeel Protestant Churchyard, Netherlands | Son of George & Alice Long of Owen Sound | Link | Link |
Radbourne | Allen | Flt Sergeant | November 22, 1943 | Hanover War Cemerery, Germany | Son of Harvey & Mildred Radbourne of Owen Sound | Link | Link |
Belrose | Gordon | Private | February 5, 1944 | Moro River Canadian War Cemertry, Italy | Son of George & Debra Belrose of Tobermory | Link | Link |
Sullivan Township
Surname | Given Name | Rank | Date of Death | Cemetery | Additional Info | CVWM | CWGC |
Collins | Maurice | Corporal | April 8, 1945 | Holten Canadian War Cemetery, Netherlands | Son of Albert & Emmie Collins of Dobbington | Link | Link |
Wilson | William | ||||||
The Royal Canadian Legion Tara
Branch 383 - Honour Roll (post war)
The following are names of those from the local area who served their country during war and later died. There is no greater service than that of our brave men and women who serve and continue to serve our country and defend its freedom.
Surname | Given Name(s) |
Aiken | Gordon |
Aiken | Harvey |
Aiken | Hollis |
Aiken | John |
Aiken | Lloyd |
Aiken | Mel |
Aiken | Milton |
Aiken | Ross |
Alpaugh | Gordon |
Archer | Len |
Armstrong | Mac |
Arnott | Herb |
Ash | George |
Ashley | James |
Baker | Charles |
Baker | Robert |
Ball | Frank |
Barber | Ivan |
Barclay | Jack |
Barclay | Orval |
Barclay | W.A. |
Barfoot | Stewart |
Barrett | Leonard |
Bates | William Allan |
Baux | Earl |
Beatty | Russel |
Berry | Henry |
Briggs | William Allan |
Brigham | Allen |
Brigham | Frank |
Brigham | Ron |
Broadfoot | Allan |
Broadfoot | Howard |
Brough | Ben |
Brown | Matthew |
Brunton | Linton |
Brunton | Maurice |
Byers | Albert |
Byers | Fred |
Byers | Lorne |
Byers | Owen |
Byers | Robert |
Callahan | John |
Callahan | Samual |
Camp | Jeoffrey |
Campbell | Patterson |
Caswell | Herb |
Chambers | Jack |
Chambers | James |
Christie | Les |
Clarke | Frank |
Coffey | Fred |
Coleman | Bert |
Coleman | Donald |
Collins | Earle |
Cook | Orville |
Cooper | John |
Craig | Earnie |
Crawford | Allen |
Crawford | Ammie |
Crawford | Earnest |
Crawford | Ken |
Crawford | Russell |
Crossley | Ralph |
Crow | Jack |
Cruikshank | Ed |
Dalgarno | Arthur |
Dalgarno | Ross |
Daniels | Gordons |
Davis | Melvin |
Devine | John |
Dix | Clarence |
Dix | Vernon |
Dolphin | Mchael |
Dornan | Alex |
Dougherty | Frank |
Douglass | John |
Douglass | William |
Dronfield | Phil |
Duff | Alex |
Duff | Edgar |
Duff | Thomas |
Eastwood | Elizabeth |
Eastwood | Pat |
Eby | Cliff |
Evans | Arthur |
Evans | William |
Elmer | Farrow |
Fawcett | Lawrence |
Fenton | Clarence |
Fenton | John |
Fenton | Williams |
Fiddes | Herb |
Fiddes | Ross |
Fleming | Harvey Gladstone |
Flood | Raymond |
Follis | Ken |
Foster | Bill |
Fox | John |
French | Earl |
French | Edna |
Galbraith | Ammie |
Gammie | Godon |
George | Jim |
Gibbons | Dennis |
Gibbons | Garfield |
Gilchrist | Donald |
Gordanier | George |
Gordanier | Robert |
Gowan | Frank |
Gowan | Willis |
Graham | Russel |
Gransden | Austin |
Gransden | Jack |
Gransden | Mac |
Gypstra | Symon |
Hagadoorn | Amandus |
Hagadoorn | Mary |
Hall | James |
Hansler | Clifford |
Harron | Alvin |
Hemstock | George |
Herron | Roy |
Hebert | Bill |
Hues | Russel |
Hunt | James |
Hunt | William |
Hyndman | Laverne |
Hyndman | Rupert |
Hyndman | William |
Jaques | Harry |
Johnston | Robert |
Kaufman | John |
King | Harry |
Kirkland | Hugh |
Koehler | Allan |
Koehler | Harold |
Kuhl | Alvan |
Leflar | Roland |
Long | Clarence |
Love | Elmer |
MacDonald | Jack |
MacDonald | Russell |
MacDonald | Sheldon |
MacDonnel | Donald |
MacIntosh | Marshall |
MacRobert | Gordon |
Manley | Tom |
Martin | Joe |
Matches | Alvan |
McCrabb | Robert |
McCullough | Earnie |
McDonald | D. |
McDonald | John |
McDougald | Dunc |
McDougald | Earnie |
McDougald | Harry |
McFadden | Russell |
McGill | Peter |
McKaig | Charles |
McKee | William |
McKeen | William Roy |
McMinn | Bert |
McMinn | Donald |
McMinn | Sam |
McMullen | Leslie |
McMullen | Morrell |
McMullen | Stan |
McNabb | Joe |
McNeill | Donald |
McNeill | Harold |
McNeill | Victor |
Merriam | Chester |
Merriam | Harold |
Miller | Brock |
Miller | Earl |
Miller | Harry |
Miller | Harvey |
Miller | Orace |
Miller | Stewart |
Miller | Walter |
Mills | Frank |
Mills | George |
Mills | Syd |
Montford | Colin |
Morris | Neil |
Morrow | Jimmie |
Morton | John |
Munrow | Donald |
Nelson | Alex |
Nelson | James |
Nelson | Lyle |
Park | Melville |
Parker | Winston |
Patterson | Fred |
Patchell | Orland |
Plant | Harvey |
Plant | John |
Player | R.M. |
Pool | Neil |
Porter | Matt |
Posthumus | Ralph |
Power | Herb |
Prescott | Archie |
Prescott | Laverne |
Pringle | Bob |
Proud | Harvey |
Proud | Russell |
Pryor | George |
Pufahl | Fred |
Purdy | Guy |
Putnam | Saul |
Radbourne | Earl |
Rae | Stewart |
Rathwell | Jack |
Redmond | Mervin |
Reed | Norman Lloyd |
Reed | Charles |
Robertson | Stewart |
Robinson | John |
Robinson | Russel |
Rolling | Arnold |
Rourke | Clyde |
Rourke | Lloyd |
Rowe | Howard |
Ruff | Jack |
Ruff | Percy |
Ruff | Thomas |
Scarrow | Glyn |
Seneca | Tom |
Shaw | Victor Stanley |
Siverthorn | Allan |
Smit | William |
Smith | Fred |
Smith | Harold |
Smith | Robert |
Smith | Roy |
Spears | Howard |
Speer | Bert |
Speer | Dave |
Speer | Fred |
Speer | Walter |
Stokley | Isobel |
Strong | Carmen (Whitey) |
Taylor | Dr. George |
Temple | Joe |
Temple | Stan |
Tescke | Carl |
Tescke | Harry |
Thompson | Albert |
Thompson | Bill |
Thompson | John |
Thompson | Robert |
Thomson | Esplen |
Thomson | Joe |
Thomson | Norma |
Timble | Willis |
Tindale | Wesley |
Tobey | Paul |
Tobey | Wallace |
Tobey | Wesley |
Trelford | Wesley |
Tucker | Albert |
Underwood | William John |
VanDerHeide | Peiter |
Virtue | Wesley |
Wagner | Russel |
Wayne | James |
Walker | George |
Walpole | Peter |
Wark | Dr. David |
Wark | Elmer |
Wark | Garnet |
Warrilow | John |
Watson | Elmer |
Watson | Jack |
Watson | Russell |
Webb | Lawrence |
Wells | Charles |
Wiley | Jack |
Wilson | Mervin Cliffort |
Winter | Harold |
Woolrich | John |
Wyonch | Milton |
Yates | Clifford |
Yates | George |
Yates | Ken |
Yates | Ronald |
Yates | Thomas |
Young | Charles (Chuck) |
Our Fallen Photo Gallery
Frequently Asked Questions
The Legion has undergone some research into our Honour Roll and this continues to be a work in progress. If you have any additional information or photos, or even corrections, please forward these to admin@taralegion383.ca
Remembering is something that can happen every day of the year. For more information, you may contact the Tara Legion or we encourage you to do so through many offered programs, services, and resources. For additional information about honouring please CLICK HERE.
Yes, please send additions to admin@taralegion383.ca.
The Act of Remembrance
The Act of Remembrance is our most sacred ritual. The words of this act are a farewell to our fallen, and an injunction to the living. They are our connection between past, present, and future.
The price our ancestors paid, and on the price we may yet pay if we fail in our duty to them. To remember is to learn the lessons of history, that war is horrible.
Lest We Forget

The Act of Remembrance
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
The Act of Remembrance is from the fourth verse of the poem, “For The Fallen,” written by Laurence Binyon in 1914 about the outbreak of the first world war. It has been carried forward through the years as a solemn pledge to remember Veterans.
In Flanders Fields
Written during the First World War by
Canadian physician, Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae.
In Flanders Fields, the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our places; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrels with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, through poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
A recording of one of the best renditions of the poem, In Flanders Fields.
Recited by Reverend Dr. William Morrow at the Remembrance Day Ceremony in Kingston, Ontario on 11 November 2017 in City Park.